A woman in a spotted blouse holding a baby in a checkered shirt

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us anytime at the contact information below.



Administrative Office
40849 Fremont Boulevard
Fremont, CA 94538

Phone - 510-657-7409

TTY: 7-1-1
Email: info@abode.org

A woman wearing a cap and a black windbreaker sitting and putting her arm around a girl holding a doll

Please fill out this form to contact Abode with any questions.


Need Help?

If you are looking for information about housing and services for yourself and your family, please visit the Need Help? page.

Or contact us at 510-657-7409 or info@abode.org.

Support Us

Since 2020, we've placed 12,934 individuals into permanent housing, making a real impact on ending homelessness in our community. Support our work.

Three smiling boys are jumping in front of a chalkboard.