Vision 2030

Abode’s Five-Year Strategic Plan: 2025-2029


Action. Influence. Excellence.

For 35 years, Abode has been a leader in holistic practices that make a real difference in the lives of individuals, families, and communities. We have walked with tens of thousands of people on their journey to permanent housing.

Now, as the largest family of housing agencies wholly dedicated to ending homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area, we are proud to share our roadmap for more action, greater influence, and higher excellence as we commit ourselves to growing our impact in these next five years.

The following pages tell the story of who we are, how we got here, and what we plan to accomplish. And because no one person or agency can do it alone, we invite you to join us as a partner, a funder, a community member or leader, and most importantly, as a fellow human being who understands that housing is a fundamental human right—a necessity that supports all other human flourishing outcomes. Communities thrive when everyone has a home.


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The Heart of Abode

The heart of our agency is our participants, the men, women, and children who we serve, who have taught us much about how to do this work with effectiveness and dignity. We are incredibly humbled and thankful for their willingness to share portions of their journey publicly. As you read through their testimonies, we hope you feel inspired by their wisdom, insight, resilience, and character as they have striven and succeeded within the frequently broken societal systems they have endured.


Our Impact

We know we can end homelessness. For thousands, we already have.

Abode's Impact

Though the number of people experiencing homelessness is on the rise, Abode's work has significantly reduced the overall number of people experiencing homelessness. In the last five years, 13,941 people exited homelessness into permanent housing through our efforts. Amid a worsening crisis, we are making a real difference.

Our Vision


As the premier family of agencies focused on ending homelessness, we will further advance sustainable practices leading our sector toward a steadfast and fearless resolve to ending homelessness.


Our Future

Our mission is simple. We exist to end homelessness and advocate for the removal of the causes of homelessness. We are more committed to this today as when we began more than 35 years ago. We understand the challenges with a fierce commitment to our values and a deep belief in the effectiveness of our strategies. As we expand our action, increase our influence, and heighten our excellence, we invite you to contribute to this work and be part of the solutions that reduce homelessness in your community.

Thank you for your partnership and support!

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