A woman wearing a black sweater and glasses holding her infant daughter wearing a pink shirt and hair bow

Need Help?

If you are seeking housing, shelter, or services in the counties we serve, pleae read the following information.

A woman reads a book to two smiling children.

Alameda County

If you are currently homeless in Alameda County, we recommend that you call 2-1-1 for open programs. 2-1-1 gives you free information about local housing, health, and human services. If you cannot dial 2-1-1, call 1-888-886-9660. Or you can visit the county’s 2-1-1 website by going online at http://211alamedacounty.org.

Our emergency shelter and Rapid Re-Housing programs no longer accept direct referrals or calls. If you are seeking housing in Alameda County, you can also fill out the form below.
(NOTE: This housing form is for Alameda County residents only.)

Santa Clara County

If you are seeking housing, shelter, or services in Santa Clara County, please note that our emergency shelter and Rapid Re-Housing programs no longer accept direct referrals or calls. This change will be permanent. 

Please follow the steps below to receive a referral for our programs. If you have completed your VI-SPDAT, please reach out to or return to the location where you completed your VI-SPDAT to update your form and contact information/location. If you have NOT completed the VI-SPDAT, please click on the boxes below for VI-SPDAT drop-in/referral hours, locations, and general information.

Napa County

The South Napa Day Center (formerly known as the Hope Center) provides basic services to homeless individuals in Napa County and serves as an entrance point for the county’s three homeless shelters.

If you have any questions, please contact us at 707-271-7818 or napainfo@abode.org.

Solano County

For those who are unhoused or to obtain a coordinated entry assessment in Solano County, contact 2-1-1 or call Resource Connect at 707-652-7311.

For those experiencing homelessness with behavioral healthcare needs, please get in touch with Abode at 707-346-5868.

San Francisco County

If you are experiencing homelessness in San Francisco, go online through this link and learn how to gain a housing referral via your Access Point in San Francisco’s Homelessness Response System.

You can also call 2-1-1 or 3-1-1 for housing referral information.

San Mateo County

If you are experiencing homelessness or a housing crisis, please contact one of San Mateo County’s Core Service Agencies, which provide clients basic emergency and support services to stabilize their living situations.

Core Service Agencies also provide referrals for homeless shelters and other housing services, based on an evaluation of clients’ needs and qualifications. 

Click on this sentence to find the list of Core Service Agencies.

Santa Cruz County

Seeking a shelter? Go online at Shelter Listings for more information.