A man wearing a dark blue sports coat and a light blue dress shirt poses for a photo in front of a white wall

Oscar Benitez - Abode Services Board Member

We are excited to announce that Oscar Benitez, a Bay Area business leader, is the newest member of the Abode Services Board of Directors.

Oscar leads the Diversion and Reentry practice area at Third Sector, where he designs and implements all criminal-legal system reform and homelessness solutions nationwide. His teams have been problem-solvers for governments and community-based organizations by building the tools and practices to manage public systems toward specific outcomes with services that are more responsive to the needs of residents facing the highest barriers to well-being and economic opportunity. 

He convenes state and county departments to launch cross-departmental initiatives that reduce recidivism and homelessness, and improve employment and healthcare outcomes for youth and adults. Key partners include parole and probation departments, departments of corrections, continuums of care, housing authorities, departments of human services, workforce development boards, and community colleges.

He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, completed the Bridge Program at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, and was selected as a Gates Millennium Scholar through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Please join us in proudly welcoming Oscar Benitez to the Abode Services Board of Directors!

To learn more about Abode’s board members, please visit our website by clicking here.