Cedar Community Apartments
Property Description
Cedar Community Apartments is a 125-unit existing hotel located at 39802 Cedar Blvd. in Newark. It currently is an extended stay hotel with studio, 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom units that are set up as apartments with full kitchens and fully furnished living spaces. The residential units’ interiors will need only minimal improvements. The site is close to grocery stores, transit, pharmacy, parks, and schools.
Abode Housing Development is partnering with the City of Newark to apply for California Housing and Community Development Homekey funding, along with local funding commitments from the City of Newark, the County of Alameda, the Housing Authority of the County of Alameda, and the Alameda County Health Care Services Agency. The Homekey program allows for converting the property to a residential apartment building with streamlined legislative and environmental approvals. After the property is purchased and renovated, it will have approximately 124 apartment units, including one unit for an on-site resident manager. It also will have property management and services offices, meeting rooms, a community room, and exterior amenities and open space for the residents. This development is an opportunity for Newark to create more than 120 homes that are affordable to the people that live in them in under a year. That time frame is much quicker than the typical affordable housing development process, which generally takes at least 4 years. It is also an opportunity to secure state and county funding at a ratio of about 7 to 1 to Newark’s funding level. This will make a significantly positive impact on fulfilling the affordable housing needs of Newark and provide homes to vulnerable households in our community.
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